The Conference proceedings comprising full length papers ( 4-8 pages) will be published. Selected top quality papers will be invited to publish in a Special issue of Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences( PJEAS), the official journal of UET, Lahore which is ‘X’ Category HEC approved journal.
To download the template, please Click here.
To submit your paper, please Click here.
All submissions will be checked for similarity index which is 18% or less is acceptable. Submissions with more than 18% similarity index will not be processed.
Instructions for Submission:
1- Authors will send their paper both in Word and PDF format. All figures and tables must be pasted within the manuscript, no supporting files required.
2- Each paper should comprises of 4-8 pages. Email address of corresponding author must be provided below the authors’ list in the manuscript.
3- Name of the file would be title of the research paper.
4- Researcher can submit his paper/poster/project to ICME 2020 till December 07, 2019.
Instructions for writing research paper:
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